DOMESTIC VIOLENCE / restraining orders

Domestic Violence occurs when a peron who has been in an intimate relationship with you abuses you or threatens to abuse you. Such abuse may be physical, psychological, in a way of restrainment, etc.

A person may ask for Domestic Violence Restraining Orders if two conditions are satisfied i.e. 1) There has been abuse or threat of abuse; and 2) The victim was or is in an intimate relationship with the abuser i.e. Spouse, ex-spouse, lived together, etc. A domestic violence restraining order can restrain the abuser from commiting any abuse by ordering stay away order which may include no contact, stay away from work/home, etc. A restraining order will keep restrained person from doing certain things such as being aroung you, stalking you, etc. In case of violation of such orders, police may arrest the restrained person and may have serious consequences.

Ms. Hales, who is an experienced family law attorney, can help you obtain a domestic violence restraining order quickly without unnecessary delays. Call us today at 559.312.0083 to set up an appointment to discuss your case.


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